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IMPORTANT NOTICE - SLA Registration for period 1 (January 2025 to January 2026) is now closed. All new registrations will automatically be assigned to period 2 SLA (September 2nd 2025 to August 2026). Please take this into consideration when ordering or requesting this service.

Welcome to our latest service - Behaviour in schools support SLA


Our behaviour in schools support SLA is a comprehensive support programme for all of your staff in school in the area of behaviour.

There will be a number of options to ensure your entire staff team is given support around the area of behaviour, from dealing with low level through to difficult and sometimes dangerous situations in schools.

This SLA is designed to give schools maximum support at the minimum cost possible.


Links to the full service level agreement, payment options, invoicing, new supplier details and scheduling can be found at the bottom of this page.


An overview of the programme and what your school will receive is as follows...

  • 4 x in person CPD sessions via media conferencing software (see description below)

  • 2 x networking event invitation

  • 5 x video support sessions

  • Online digital learning platform (the amount of programme user codes will vary depending on your school size)

  • Hypnotherapy support

  • Certification for your staff team.

  • 2 x online awareness raising CPD (e.g County lines, gang culture) This will be chargeable at £50 per school – the usual price for this online session is £200.

  • Reduction on top up sessions e.g physical intervention

  • The following documents will also be added to the page.

Recording proforma

Positive handling plan proforma

DfE guidance documents


In person CPD sessions

Your entire school will have access to our online sessions. The sessions are accredited sessions and covers 4 topics. 

Session 1 – What is behaviour and how it presents in schools

Session 2 – De-escalation and dealing with behaviour concerns in schools

Session 3 – Recording and planning for behaviour concerns

Session 4 – Legal and DfE guidance to the use of physical intervention for extreme behaviour concerns. 

These sessions cover an all-round approach to dealing with behaviour in schools from low-level through to the most serious of incidents. The sessions are designed to empower staff and instil confidence in the team to make the right choices in difficult circumstances. It will also give staff the confidence to deal with situations knowing that they are carrying their actions out in a legal and ethical manner.

The sessions are delivered in person via media conferencing software and are a mix of visual PowerPoint display along with live commentary and presentation. Each session lasts for 1 hour giving a total of 4 hours CPD time to your school over the course of a year. Each session is delivered 4 times throughout the year giving you and your team lots of options to attend.

Example – All of the sessions will be delivered 4 times each throughout the year making a total of 16 online sessions for your staff to choose which session suits them best to attend.


Networking events

Twice annually we will have a networking session where we address frequently asked questions or current topics of the moment such as changes to legislation.


Video support sessions

These are there as a backup to your online training. There are 5 supporting videos, and they cover everything that is delivered in the online sessions. If you have a staff member that cannot attend any of the online sessions, they can view the videos as a way of support and/or they can also be used to remind ourselves of best practice. These videos will be accessible via a website page, and you will have unlimited views for your entire staff team for a period of 1 year.


Online digital platform

All 5 video sessions will also be available in an online platform which your staff team will be able to access. The staff can work their way through the platform requirements and receive a certificate of completion.


Code for reduced cost hypnotherapy support

We own an online digital store which supports all kind of wellbeing needs including weight loss, addictions, fears, mental health and many more. Each school will receive a code giving them 20 x 50% off any of the online programmes. The programmes are already very cheap and are delivered by Northern England’s Master Hypnotherapy Specialist – Christopher Morton.


Certificates for each session

Each individual session will have a downloadable certificate for all staff who have attended. The online platform has a personalised certificate for each attending staff member.


Additional safety and behaviour sessions

Each year we will focus on 2 current areas of need for school awareness.

The sessions will be delivered once only in December and May.

In May of 2025 our first session will be on county lines awareness and the December 2025 session will look at gang culture awareness.



Any school who has our SLA will automatically receive a discount on any of our full physical intervention programmes. The reduction may vary depending on location and time. The additional safety and behaviour sessions are chargeable but at a reduced cost of £50 to each school per session.



Government guidance documents will be added to the page to ensure that it becomes a 1 stop area for your behaviour support needs in school.


This service offer lasts for a period of 1 year starting on either 1st January or 1st September.


Please read the following documents prior to purchase.


​For the full service offer please click here (PDF) FULL SERVICE OFFER​







To view the service period 1 agreement(January to January) please click here (PDF) 







To view the service period 2 agreement (September to September) please click here (PDF) 







For payment options and new supplier details please click here, this will open in a new page.








​For any questions please don't hesitate to contact us


Alan Robson

Director P&I Training Ltd

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

Address. 10 Andromeda Court, Walker Riverside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 3UD

Tel. 0191-295-4673

© 2024 by AJR. All rights reserved P&I Training LTD

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