Hi Brooklands Farm Staff Team This session is aimed at covering the role and expectations of staff members in the way of behaviour management from every day behaviour concerns through to serious incidents. The overall aim of the session is to give staff the confidence in behaviour management, particularly during difficult situations. The session will give tips and hints of best practice. The session is also aimed at what we as staff can do to avoid situations escalating. We highlight 4 key areas for staff to be aware of during incidents and occurences. We use guidance, research and experience to pull our programmes together. This session is accredited through the CPD standards office https://www.cpdstandards.com Provider number 21721. This session does not include any physical intervention techniques, it is guidance only. This training is suitable for: All staff who are in contact with children including: Management, Teachers, Pastoral Staff, Support Staff and School Outreach Workers
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app